Night Vision Devices – The Ultimate in BackCountry Toys

Many nights in the backcountry are far from dark. A bright moon and a sky full of stars can throw off enough light to allow for reading a book, but add cloud cover, mountains or trees and it gets dark awfully fast. When you need to see in the dark, you have two choices –… Continue reading Night Vision Devices – The Ultimate in BackCountry Toys

Night Vision Devices – The Ultimate in BackCountry Toys

Many nights in the backcountry are far from dark. A bright moon and a sky full of stars can throw off enough light to allow for reading a book, but add cloud cover, mountains or trees and it gets dark awfully fast. When you need to see in the dark, you have two choices –… Continue reading Night Vision Devices – The Ultimate in BackCountry Toys

Why Range Finders are Perfect for the BackCountry

Outdoor enthusiasts love to guess about all sorts of things. We guess how many stars are in the Milky Way, we guess how fast a deer runs or we might even guess about how long it will be until that big, dark cloud dumps rain us. But there are times when guessing in the backcountry… Continue reading Why Range Finders are Perfect for the BackCountry