Cosmetic Surgery – A Personal Decision

With the proliferation of TV shows and dramas about cosmetic surgery, you could be forgiven for thinking that getting a procedure done was no more difficult than going to the dentist. And what is more, that all cosmetic surgeons were handsome and rich and cared for their patients. Cosmetic surgery is no different than any… Continue reading Cosmetic Surgery – A Personal Decision

Copywriting Makeover: Know Where Your Customers Are In The Buying Process

When you begin to write copy for any product or service, there are a few things you have to take into consideration. The first is always your target audience: who you’ll be writing to. Finding out about the needs and wants of the audience members, their communication styles, their lifestyles, and a multitude of other… Continue reading Copywriting Makeover: Know Where Your Customers Are In The Buying Process

Computer Consulting and Virtual IT

Do you own or manage a computer consulting company? Would you like to achieve greater small business success? If so, then get ready to learn why most computer consulting companies get IT (Information Technology) wrong and what you can do about IT. The Problem: Why Most Computer Consulting Companies Get IT Wrong Most owners of… Continue reading Computer Consulting and Virtual IT

Coffee Brewing Tips

BREWING TIPS Everyone has their own way of personalizing coffee, but here are a few basic tips to get started: Great brewed flavor begins with fresh coffee. When using whole bean coffee, try to grind immediately before brewing. Protect the freshness of whole bean and ground coffees by storing in an airtight container. (Our patented… Continue reading Coffee Brewing Tips