Arrowhead Hunting and Rock Collecting

We weren’t planning to go rock and arrowhead hunting in Arizona. My wife and I just liked that hotspring in the desert. It was agood place to escape the Michigan winter for a while. Then we met Felix, an old Mayan Indian living in an old RV. After sharing meals and campfires for a week,… Continue reading Arrowhead Hunting and Rock Collecting

Hammock Care- Tips on cleaning and storing hammocks without spreader bars.

If you plan on Machine washing your hammock Start by holding the two hanging end rings in your hands and bring them together, folding the hammock in half. Tie the hammock together with string just below the hanging rings. Tie the hammock together again, at the opposite end, and once more in the middle of… Continue reading Hammock Care- Tips on cleaning and storing hammocks without spreader bars.